This girl had sex 3 times, now 8 months pregnant

PALEMBANG - Student initials DPS (18), a resident of Jl DI Panjaitan Palembang report to Police on Tuesday (14/06/2011). He claimed to have been raped and is currently eight months pregnant due to rape.

According to the victim, the incident occurred September 2010 at 10:00 in home players named Ahmad Waludin (26), resident of Fresh River Road West Ilir District II. Previously between the victim and the perpetrator has been dating for eleven months.

Time of the incident, the victim is willing to go to tutoring, even invited players to his house. Actors in an empty house, the victim was forced to perform sexual intercourse. But the victim refused and the offender struck the student using hand.

Finally, victims who lost power, could not do much and then raped by the offender. One week later, the victim returned home twice raped the victim.

Then, the victim is pregnant hold accountable the perpetrators who apparently married and had children. Even the actor's wife was pregnant. But the actors did not want to be responsible. Even the perpetrator threatened the victim if the report will be humiliated.

Victim's mother did not even know if her child was pregnant. He knew from his neighbor.

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