8 Ways to Get a Guy to Kiss You …

Have you ever been dating a guy that’s been too shy to make his smooch-move? Or have you had a crush on a guy friend and wanted him to make the first move and kiss you? Whatever the circumstances, you’ve probably tried everything in your feminine wiles bag-of-tricks to get him to pucker up, but if nothing’s working, I can help! Here are 8 ways to get a guy to kiss you.

1. Get an irresistible pucker

Do everything in your power to get an irresistible pucker and your guy won’t be able to stop himself from kissing you! Start by exfoliating your lips with a warm, clean washcloth, rubbing gently to remove dry, chapped skin and make them pouty and pink. Then use a lip balm, but nothing sticky or glittery.

2. Get him alone

Your guy might be nervous about making his move in front of a group, so do what you can to get him alone! He might kiss you without any further encouragement if the two of you can be alone for a little while.

3. Get him close

Draw him close to you, not kissing-distance close, but physically close. Wear a perfume you know he likes. Lose your balance while walking on a curb and grab his hand. Ask him for help with an itch on your back… anything that will get him closer to you!

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