Kamus SMS ini diadopsi dari Bahasa Inggris….
AAM = As a matter of fact (Sebenarnya)
ADctd 2 L = Addicted to Love (Mabuk kepayang)
AFA = As far as (Sejauh ini)
AKA = Also known as (dikenal juga sebagai)
AL I Wan is U = All I want is You (Hanya kau yang kuinginkan)
AML = All my love (Seluruh cintaku)
ASAP = As soon as possible (Secepat mungkin)
ATB = All the best (Yang terbaik)
ATW = At the weekend (Di akhir pekan)
AWHFY = Are we having fun yet (Sudah senang-senang belum?)
AAM = As a matter of fact (Sebenarnya)
ADctd 2 L = Addicted to Love (Mabuk kepayang)
AFA = As far as (Sejauh ini)
AKA = Also known as (dikenal juga sebagai)
AL I Wan is U = All I want is You (Hanya kau yang kuinginkan)
AML = All my love (Seluruh cintaku)
ASAP = As soon as possible (Secepat mungkin)
ATB = All the best (Yang terbaik)
ATW = At the weekend (Di akhir pekan)
AWHFY = Are we having fun yet (Sudah senang-senang belum?)
B4 = Before (Sebelum)
BBFN = Bye Bye for now (Sampai jumpa)
BBS = Be back soon (Segera kembali)
BBSD = Be back soon darling (Segera kembali, Sayang)
BCNU = Be seein’ you (Sampai nanti)
BF = Boyfriend (Pacar)
BGWM = Be gentle with me (Jangan kasar padaku)
BMW = Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku)
BRB = Be right back (Segera kembali)
BTW = By the way (Omong-omong)
B4 = Before (Sebelum)
BBFN = Bye Bye for now (Sampai jumpa)
BBS = Be back soon (Segera kembali)
BBSD = Be back soon darling (Segera kembali, Sayang)
BCNU = Be seein’ you (Sampai nanti)
BF = Boyfriend (Pacar)
BGWM = Be gentle with me (Jangan kasar padaku)
BMW = Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku)
BRB = Be right back (Segera kembali)
BTW = By the way (Omong-omong)
Cm = Call me (Telepon aku)
Cu = See you (Sampai jumpa)
CUIMD = See you in my dreams (Sampai jumpa dalam mimpi)
Cul = See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi)
CUL8R = See you later (sampai ketemu lagi)
Cu = See you (Sampai jumpa)
CUIMD = See you in my dreams (Sampai jumpa dalam mimpi)
Cul = See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi)
CUL8R = See you later (sampai ketemu lagi)
Dk = Don’ t know (Tak tahu)
Dur? = Do you remember (Kau ingat?)
Dk = Don’ t know (Tak tahu)
Dur? = Do you remember (Kau ingat?)
E2eg = Ear to ear grin (Menyeringai lebar)
EOD = End of discussion (Akhir perbincangan)
EOL = End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan)
E2eg = Ear to ear grin (Menyeringai lebar)
EOD = End of discussion (Akhir perbincangan)
EOL = End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan)
F? = Friends (Kawan)
F2F = Face to face (Berhadapan)
F2T = Free to talk (Bebas Bicara)
FITB = Fill in the Blank (Isi titik-titik, isi sendiri bagian yang kosong)
FYEO = For your eyes only. (Rahasia)
FYA = For your amusement (Untuk senang-senang)
FYI = For your information (Sebagai informasi)
F? = Friends (Kawan)
F2F = Face to face (Berhadapan)
F2T = Free to talk (Bebas Bicara)
FITB = Fill in the Blank (Isi titik-titik, isi sendiri bagian yang kosong)
FYEO = For your eyes only. (Rahasia)
FYA = For your amusement (Untuk senang-senang)
FYI = For your information (Sebagai informasi)
GF = Girlfirend. (Pacar)
GG = Good Game (Ucapan ketika kedua pihak yang berseteru selesai melakukan
Gr8 = Great (bagus)
GSOH = Good Salary, Own Home (Gaji OK, punya rumah)
GTSY = Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
GF = Girlfirend. (Pacar)
GG = Good Game (Ucapan ketika kedua pihak yang berseteru selesai melakukan
Gr8 = Great (bagus)
GSOH = Good Salary, Own Home (Gaji OK, punya rumah)
GTSY = Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
h2cus = Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi)
H8 = Hate (Benci)
HAGN = Have a good night (Selamat tidur)
HAND = Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang-senang)
hbtu = Happy birthday to you (Selamat ultah)
HldMeCls = Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat)
Ht4U = Hot for You (“Panas” untukmu)
H&K = Hugs and Kisses (Peluk cium)
h2cus = Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi)
H8 = Hate (Benci)
HAGN = Have a good night (Selamat tidur)
HAND = Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang-senang)
hbtu = Happy birthday to you (Selamat ultah)
HldMeCls = Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat)
Ht4U = Hot for You (“Panas” untukmu)
H&K = Hugs and Kisses (Peluk cium)
IDK = I don’t know (Aku tak tahu)
IIRC = If I recall correctly (Kalau tidak salah ingat)
IK = I know (Aku tahu)
IIRC = If I recall correctly (Kalau tidak salah ingat)
IK = I know (Aku tahu)
ILU = I love you (Aku cinta kamu)
IMHO = In my humble opinion (Menurutku)
IMI = I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)
IMBLuv = It must be Love (Ini pasti cinta)
IOW = In other words… (Dengan kata lain.)
IOU = I owe you (Aku berhutang padamu)
IUSS = If you say so (Baiklah)
IMHO = In my humble opinion (Menurutku)
IMI = I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)
IMBLuv = It must be Love (Ini pasti cinta)
IOW = In other words… (Dengan kata lain.)
IOU = I owe you (Aku berhutang padamu)
IUSS = If you say so (Baiklah)
J4F = Just for fun (Sekedar bersenang-senang)
JFK = Just for kicks (Iseng-iseng)
JstCllMe = Just call Me (Telepon saja aku)
J4F = Just for fun (Sekedar bersenang-senang)
JFK = Just for kicks (Iseng-iseng)
JstCllMe = Just call Me (Telepon saja aku)
KC = Keep cool (Tetap tenang, jangan langsung marah, dst)
KHUF = know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu)
KIT = Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus)
KOTC = Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi)
KOTL = Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir)
KC = Keep cool (Tetap tenang, jangan langsung marah, dst)
KHUF = know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu)
KIT = Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus)
KOTC = Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi)
KOTL = Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir)
L8 = Late (Telat, malam)
L8r = Later (Nanti)
Lol = Laughing out loud (Tertawa terbahak-bahak)
LTNC = Long time no see (Lama tak jumpa)
LtsGt2gthr = Lets get together (Kita ketemu yuk)
L8r = Later (Nanti)
Lol = Laughing out loud (Tertawa terbahak-bahak)
LTNC = Long time no see (Lama tak jumpa)
LtsGt2gthr = Lets get together (Kita ketemu yuk)
M$ULkeCrZ = Miss you like Crazy! (Rindu kamu setengah mati)
M8 = Mate (Kawan, pasangan)
MC = Merry Christmas (Selamat Natal)
MGB = May God Bless (Semoga Tuhan Memberkati)
Mob = Mobile (Mobil, bergerak)
MYOB = Mind your own Business (Jangan ikut campur)
M$ULkeCrZ = Miss you like Crazy! (Rindu kamu setengah mati)
M8 = Mate (Kawan, pasangan)
MC = Merry Christmas (Selamat Natal)
MGB = May God Bless (Semoga Tuhan Memberkati)
Mob = Mobile (Mobil, bergerak)
MYOB = Mind your own Business (Jangan ikut campur)
NA = No access (Tak boleh masuk, tak ada akses)
NC = No comment (Tak ada komentar)
NWO = No way out (Tak ada jalan keluar)
NA = No access (Tak boleh masuk, tak ada akses)
NC = No comment (Tak ada komentar)
NWO = No way out (Tak ada jalan keluar)
O4U = Only for you (Hanya untukmu)
OIC = Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.)
OTOH = On the other hand (Di sisi lain)
O4U = Only for you (Hanya untukmu)
OIC = Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.)
OTOH = On the other hand (Di sisi lain)
PCM = Please call me (Tolong telepon aku)
PPL = People (Orang-orang)
Pls = Please
PPL = People (Orang-orang)
Pls = Please
QT = Cutie (Orang yang Lucu, imut, keren)
QT = Cutie (Orang yang Lucu, imut, keren)
R = Are
RMB = Ring my Bell (Aku tak ingat, tolong ingatkan aku)
ROTFL = Roll on the floor laughing (Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal)
RU? = Are you? (Kamu?)
RU OK? = Are you Ok? (Kamu baik-baik saja?)
R = Are
RMB = Ring my Bell (Aku tak ingat, tolong ingatkan aku)
ROTFL = Roll on the floor laughing (Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal)
RU? = Are you? (Kamu?)
RU OK? = Are you Ok? (Kamu baik-baik saja?)
SC = Stay cool (Tenanglah.)
SETE = Smiling Ear to Ear (Tersenyum lebar)
SO = Significant Other (Pendamping)
SOL = Sooner or later (Cepat atau lambat)
SME1 = Some One (Seseorang)
SRY = Sorry (Maaf)
SWALK = Sent with a loving Kiss (Dikirim dengan cium mesra)
SWG = Scientific Wild Guess (Tebakan ilmiah)
SC = Stay cool (Tenanglah.)
SETE = Smiling Ear to Ear (Tersenyum lebar)
SO = Significant Other (Pendamping)
SOL = Sooner or later (Cepat atau lambat)
SME1 = Some One (Seseorang)
SRY = Sorry (Maaf)
SWALK = Sent with a loving Kiss (Dikirim dengan cium mesra)
SWG = Scientific Wild Guess (Tebakan ilmiah)
T+ = Think positive (Berpikir positif)
T2ul = Talk to you later (Nanti kita bicara lagi ya.)
TDTU = Totally devoted to you (Cinta mati padamu)
Thx = Thanks (Terima kasih)
T2Go = Time to Go (Waktunya berpisah)
TIC = Tongue in Cheek (Ramah)
TMIY = Take me I’m yours (Aku milikmu)
TTFN = Ta ta for now. (Sampai jumpa)
T+ = Think positive (Berpikir positif)
T2ul = Talk to you later (Nanti kita bicara lagi ya.)
TDTU = Totally devoted to you (Cinta mati padamu)
Thx = Thanks (Terima kasih)
T2Go = Time to Go (Waktunya berpisah)
TIC = Tongue in Cheek (Ramah)
TMIY = Take me I’m yours (Aku milikmu)
TTFN = Ta ta for now. (Sampai jumpa)
U = You (Kamu)
UR = You are (Kamu)
URT1 = You are the one (kamulah orangnya)
U = You (Kamu)
UR = You are (Kamu)
URT1 = You are the one (kamulah orangnya)
VRI = Very (Sangat)
W4u = Waiting for you (Menantimu)
WAN2 = Want to (Ingin)
WLUMRyMe = Will you marry Me? (Maukah kau menikah denganku?)
W4u = Waiting for you (Menantimu)
WAN2 = Want to (Ingin)
WLUMRyMe = Will you marry Me? (Maukah kau menikah denganku?)
WRT = With respect to (Salam hormat untuk)
WUWH = Wish you were here (Andai kau di sini.)
WUWH = Wish you were here (Andai kau di sini.)
X! = Typical Woman (Wanita biasa)
X = Kiss (Cium)
XclusvlyUrs = Exclusively Yours (Milikmu seorang)
X = Kiss (Cium)
XclusvlyUrs = Exclusively Yours (Milikmu seorang)
Y! = Typical Man (Pria biasa)
YBS = You’ll be Sorry (Kau akan menyesal)
Y! = Typical Man (Pria biasa)
YBS = You’ll be Sorry (Kau akan menyesal)
Zzzz = Sleep (Tidur)
Zzzz = Sleep (Tidur)
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