Bad Girls Club: What am I going to do with you

Young women watching shows like this are still developing their social strategies, and when they see girls treating eachother this way, why should they ever resort to sisterhood?

This show is literally a showcase for nasty, bitchy, substance-induced stupors that people see as funny and pathetic. Or, as an effective way of acting in the real world.

In shows like this, there is no support. Women form alliances on the show (Survivor trick) but that's only because they don't have another choice.

Women are naturally social animals and form friendships based on mutual liking.

But mutual hating?

That is some nonsense.

Three of the women are driving in a car together, talking about how "piggy" one of the girls in the house is and how badly they want to slap eachother.

It is definitely a form of Jerry Springerism that has evolved into TopModelism but when are people going to stop allowing this kind of programming to take place on O, like forty five times a day.

O is a women's channel. The most infuriating part of looking for clips of the show to put on my site, is every single clip begins with an ad specifically targetted at women: I'm talking, pads, tampax, girly granola bars. Women watch O. Women say it's okay.

Women should be furious.

When is bitchiness going to stop being the form of femaleness everyone accepts?

When are people going to stop laughing?

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